Our company can immediately adapt to rapidly changing legislation according to your needs and requirements. Depending of where you are from, we are able to adjust our communication. We can receive the documents electronically, in person or by post.
Services, that we provide
Business plans
Business plans for start-up entrepreneurs applying for various subsidies, in case of voluntary VAT registrations, for foreigners for permits from Foreign Police
References from clients
What our clients say about us
So spoločnosťou Dau sme nadmieru spokojní, a to najmä z dôvodu ochoty a v rýchlosti poradiť pri riešení akejkoľvek účtovnej problematiky. Oceňujem ich dobre fungujúci tím a schopnosť dohodnúť sa aj v mimoriadnych situáciách, ktoré je nutné riešiť promptne. Získali si nás svojou profesionalitou, ochotou poradiť a osobitným prístupom. Využívame široké portfólio ich služieb, ďakujeme a vrelo odporúčame.
Perfect cooperation! Accurate and error-free processing. Professional approach and willingness to help with any problem.
A young, super friendly and professional team. Excellent cooperation and maximum satisfaction with the services provided.